Firsts for Hadley and Yet Another Non Event

Recently Hadley had a day with a couple of big firsts – her first trip to the dentist, and her first haircut:

Choosing some goodies from the treasure box.

She was cooperative enough to get some x-rays taken.

Check out the cool shades!

The happy patient!  Both Arden and Hadley have a labial frenulum, a little attachment between their front teeth to their upper lip.  They’ll likely need to have that removed when they get older so their front teeth don’t have a gap.  Though I think it’s pretty cute on them at this age!

Later that same day, we took Hadley to have her first haircut.  Since I didn’t cut bangs for her, this first haircut milestone came much later than Arden’s.

She was a good customer, just curious about all the clips and things going on.

Why does she suddenly look twelve in this shot?

We of course saved some snips from her first haircut for her baby book.

And then there was the (nearly) non event of doing away with her pacifiers a few days later.  I talked about this when we did the same with Arden that I was worried it would be a big traumatic ordeal because Hadley was very attached to her “suckie”, and even more since we stopped allowing it any time she wasn’t sleeping.  She’d hold it in her mouth with her hands like a precious treasure that she didn’t want to lose.

But she was beginning to play with her pacifier at daycare instead of sleeping, so it was time.  We took the same approach as we did with Arden – bagging up the suckies and taking them to Target to trade in for a toy of her choice.

All bagged up and ready to go.  Hadley didn’t want to decorate her bag when offered.

She selected a tiny baby and a couple of magic bottles for her.

First nap without a pacifier.  She asked me to take a picture of her face.  She was a little upset and asked for her suckie.  I simply said “Suckies are all gone” and she repeated it a couple of times.

And with little resistance, she was off to dreamland.  She asked about it at nap and bedtime for the next few days, but we’d just say “all gone” and that Hadley was a big girl now.  She’d repeat saying “I a big girl” and seemed satisfied with that.  She’s become very attached to her baby and sleeps with her every night.

And you are a big girl, which makes me proud and sad all at the same time.


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6 Responses to Firsts for Hadley and Yet Another Non Event

  1. Courtney Davis March 24, 2014 at 5:59 PM #

    So glad that all went so smooth for you!! I have a little one attached to loveys and binkies. She is so particular about her bedtime arrangement! I hope the transition goes equally as well for her when the time comes.

    • Jenn AJennuineLife April 9, 2014 at 4:06 PM #

      I bet she’ll surprise you – both my girls did way better than I thought they would with big changes.

  2. Falafel and the Bee March 25, 2014 at 2:23 AM #

    Oh those precious firsts! Looks like she did so well.
    Sometimes I think this whole growing up thing is harder on us!

  3. Ajaire March 26, 2014 at 3:42 AM #

    You are brave to try so many firsts all at once! She did such a great job though 🙂

    • Jenn AJennuineLife April 9, 2014 at 4:07 PM #

      I sometimes put off scheduling things, so I got on a roll one day and they both just worked out on the same day.

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