Thanks for checking in on the features from last week – here’s a feature button if your project is listed! It’s definitely beginning to feel a lot like Christmas around here!
I love this take on a marquee sign by Mindi at My Love 2 Create. The angel is perfect!
Meeha Meeha used images from projects to create these great printable gift tags.

Julia at It’s Always Ruetten shared a week of wreaths and this was my favorite. She made use of the free evergreen trimmings from Home Depot and a thrift store basket. So cute!

Can you guess from what material these faux gingerbread are made? Jane at Urban Jane made use of leftover cork from another project and made an adorable gingerbread family banner.

Bonnie at Our Secondhand House made her own version of a sequined wreath she spotted but wanted silver instead of gold. Pretty cool disco wreath! Oh, and Bonnie – I just took my Halloween door mat inside and put out the Noel one in it’s place, so I’m way behind you!
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