We got a little crafty for Father’s Day 2013. First, I made my first go at those DIY sharpie mugs. I had seen
this one available on Etsy a while back and thought it was Dave personified. Normally, I’m all about supporting artisans and would have purchased it but I wanted this to be in my writing for Dave and I have a fairly steady hand. If you aren’t confident that you’d be able to letter your own, then please go purchase the original (at a very reasonable price, I might add) from Etsy.
I wrote out my text with a black permanent Sharpie and then baked it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. He’s going to mostly use it at work, so it should fare well with the hand washing. I’ve read mixed reports of the durability of the Sharpie mugs.
The girls got in on the act for the second gift.
I made a freezer paper stencil of “DAD” and ironed it onto the front of a plain t-shirt. I made sure to put more freezer paper behind so the paint wouldn’t seep though.
Then I stripped off the girls shirts and set them loose with two different colors of fabric paint.
It ended up looking almost like camouflage; it’s pretty cool!
BY Arden Jean AGE 4
What is Daddy’s Name? Dave
How tall is Daddy? As tall as I climb in the apple tree (about 5 feet high)
How old is Daddy? Count my fingers and toes
How much does Daddy weigh? More than laser (our 80 lb. labrador)
What color is Daddy’s hair? Black
What color are Daddy’s eyes? Green
What does Daddy do for work? Exercise
What is Daddy’s favorite color? Blue
What is Daddy’s favorite TV show? Daddy shows
What does Daddy like to do outside? Do yardwork
What is Daddy’s favorite food? Chinese
What is Daddy’s favorite fruit? Oranges
What is Daddy’s favorite snack? A lot!
What is Daddy’s favorite drink? Milk & Water
What is Daddy’s favorite dessert? Banana Pie
What is Daddy’s favorite animal? Dolphins & Turtles
What is Daddy’s favorite song? Jingle Bells
What does Daddy like to do for fun? When I ride in the carriage and he rides his bike
I love it when my Daddy: Helps me do feet in the air somersaults
My favorite thing about my Daddy is: When he reads me lots of stories
I {heart} MY DADDY

I love the idea of finger painting the shirt. Very fun!