Today is my birthday – my daughter says “Happy Arden Day” instead of Happy Birthday, so I’m stealing it and calling it Happy Jenn Day to me! I’m 37 today, and I’ve decided that I don’t care if that number is larger than 29. I’d rather hope people think I look young for my age {…Continue Reading}
Fabric for Baby Quilt
I’m so excited about the fabrics I got for the crib quilt I’m making for daughter #2! On top of that, I’m jazzed about the design I found. I was all set with a design I drew myself and had figured the yardage, but I fell in love with a sample quilt at the lovely quilt shop and {…Continue Reading}
Sorry I’ve been MIA around here. I’ve been busy entertaining my inlaws for the last week and a bit and dealing with erratic weather here in Michigan – 90’s for three days in a row followed by three days of barely 60. That’s Michigan weather for ya’! I mostly entertained Arden and prepared meals while {…Continue Reading}
Winners: Mother to Be, Being, Been
This has been such a fun month hosting this competition! I’m so pleased to announce the following winners of the Mother to Be, Being, Been: Nursing: I am completely in love with this top, which was designed by our nursing category winner. The shoulder ties undo and then if that’s not enough access, there {…Continue Reading}
A Mother to Be, Being, Been: Finalists!
Today, I’m so excited to share our amazing finalists in the Mother to Be, Being, Been competition! Voting will be open using the poll on the right sidebar through Saturday, so vote for your favorite entry! In no particular order: Miranda’s Black and White Dress Laura’s Wraparound Maternity Top Miriam’s Turn About the Room Dress Bre’s {…Continue Reading}
A Jennuine Life: Mother Been Inspiration
Please take a moment to upload your post-baby pooch-hiding entries at Mother Been Flickr Group. The prize sponsors are amazing! This portion of the competition is a lot more open to interpretation – if it disguises, cinches in, or minimizes a postpartum jiggle belly – we want to see it! If you have any trouble {…Continue Reading}
The Extra Ordinary Bree: Mother Been Inspiration
I’m sure you all remember Bree from The Extra Ordinary Bree from Project Toddler Runway – she had some of the cutest entries in the competition! Since then she’s kept busy as a contestant on American Crafter, and is now in the middle of hosting Extreme Makeover: Fabric Edition with April from Wildflowers & Whimsy, {…Continue Reading}
Ain’t No Mom Jeans: Mother Been Inspiration
We have another great guest poster today for the Postpartum “trimester” of Mother to Be, Being, Been! One of my best friends turned me onto this great fashion blog called Aint No Mom Jeans, and I’ve been hooked since! Ain’t No Mom Jeans is a fashion and lifestyle blog for moms. They cover everyday mom style, as well as how {…Continue Reading}
Breastfeeding Aids Roundup
I believe the fact that I have had some difficulty finding inpirational posts for this week is a bit of an indicator that breastfeeding could use more vocal support. It’s something that we all know is good for both baby and mom and that nearly all new mothers want to try to make successful. Many mothers aren’t able to nurse their {…Continue Reading}
A Jennuine Life: Mother Being Inspiration
Today I’ll be sharing a project I hope you find inspirational for Mother Being – Nursing. I had originally intended to share a refashion using two button down shirts, but in the meantime I rediscovered a pattern for a nursing top that I have been searching for forever. It was in the same book that Lindsay from {…Continue Reading}
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