Arden Sings the Blues

Arden has begun singing quite a bit lately.  She sings herself to sleep – we get to listen over the monitor and it’s so sweet…  she serenades me with the same line of “Jingle Bells” over and over on the drive into daycare in the mornings…  and now Dave has her singing the blues while they {…Continue Reading}

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Kid’s Duffel

We interrupt today’s regularly scheduled post about nursery prep, or how huge my belly is getting, or how adorable I think my daughter is to bring you… A kid’s duffel!  I made this for my nephew Jack who is turning the big zero-five this week. I had to work my daughter in there somewhere, of {…Continue Reading}

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Nursery Prep: Crib Skirt

Another item checked off my list for nursery prep – I finished up the crib skirt today.  I cut a piece of muslin the inside dimensions of my crib, adding 1″ for seam allowances.  This measurement was 27 x 51.  Then I cut 13 1/2″ strips of the skirt material and finished the bottom and sides {…Continue Reading}

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A Perfect Summer Day

Yesterday was on of those summer days in Michigan that is just perfect: not too hot, not too cool, just the right amount of breeze, bright blue sky with just a scattering of fluffy clouds, and the cicadas humming in the background. Arden and I took advantage of the day by playing in the yard, swinging, {…Continue Reading}

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1st Nursery

Arden’s pillowcase was dirty, so I went to the linen closet to grab another and spotted one of the cases my Grannie had embroidered.  I thought this pink one would be perfect on her bed and it was!  Charlie the tiny Teddy bear agrees! Does anybody actually hand embroider borders on pillowcases anymore?  I think {…Continue Reading}

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