
Trick or Treat

Arden’s daycare had their Halloween party on the 31st, and I stuck around to help out and take some pictures.  This is the only one I can share without other kids identifiable in it, but it was a great party with lots of activities.  This is the first time I’ve seen Arden use scissors, and I thought she {…Continue Reading}

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Pumpkin Carving

Today was spent getting ready for tomorrow’s Halloween festivities – packing the treat bags for disbursement at daycare, minion costume at the ready, and pumpkin carving!  Last year’s pumpkin carving post is here. Arden did great with choosing the designs and with scooping and picking up stray pumpkin seeds. She did not however, understand to keep her {…Continue Reading}

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Fall Fun

It’s beginning to look like fall around here in the mitten state.  We have two apple trees in our yard, and this is the first year we’ve harvested the apples.  Normally it’s just a free-for-all for the squirrels and our dogs.  We think the dogs have a conspiracy with the squirrels as they will pull the apples from the {…Continue Reading}

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Site by Spunmonkey