
A New Bed For Sophie

We crate our dogs, Laser and Sophie, at night and Sophie’s bed has gone from bad to horrible.  In my opinion, dog beds for large breeds usually fall into one of two categories – 1. cheaply made, or 2. incredibly expensive,  So when Dave said he was going to get a new bed for Sophie, {…Continue Reading}

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Hadley’s Hat

While waiting for more yarn to arrive to finish the last three rows on the fair isle sweater I’m knitting for Arden, I finished up a cute little flower hat for Hadley. It’s the same pattern to coordinate with the one I made in purple for Arden last fall.  It’s from Itty Bitty Hats by Susan B. {…Continue Reading}

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So close!

Aaagh!  I’m literally within 3 rows of completing the fair isle sweater I’m knitting for Arden, and I’ve run out of yarn! All the pieces are there and ready to go as soon as I finish the button band, but I need like 4 feet of the main color yarn.  What a pain! Luckily, I {…Continue Reading}

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Just couldn’t resist posting this picture of my littlest cutie snoozing this afternoon.  I’m making good progress on the fair isle sweater, so hopefully will have a finished sweater to share soon!  I’m working on the fair isle part, which is the most fun.

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