Don’t laugh! I’m by no stretch of the imagination a model, so try to just admire the pretty cowl and don’t look at my painful posing. Remember the beautiful yarn I bought myself as part of my Christmas gift from the hubster? I finished it all up yesterday. Well…. almost – I still need to {…Continue Reading}
OMTWI Week One – Une Petite Pouffe
Weee! I made it past week one of One Month To Win It! Here’s the entry I submitted – I’ll post with a few more pictures in a semi-tutorial in a few days. Right now, I’m busy getting my entry ready for Week Two – DecoArt products. **Note: I’ve been informed that the correct phrase {…Continue Reading}
I Pinned It! 1.6.12
See the little Pin it button? Wanna add one to your posts? In Blogger, paste this html code into your post template found under Settings/Posts and comments: <div><a href=”javascript:void((function(){var%20e=document.createElement(‘script’);e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’);e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′);e.setAttribute(‘src’,’’+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e)})());”><img class=”aligncenter” src=”” alt=”Pin It” /></a></div> Via Clickin Moms The button will appear at the beginning of your post, so if you overtype it, you’ll have to {…Continue Reading}
Hadley’s 1st Day at Daycare
My maternity leave has ended, so Hadley started daycare on Monday. Since we had kept Arden there to hold her place and to keep her attending preschool we were all pretty used to the routine for getting out the door in the morning. I don’t remember why Arden was upset, but check out that pouty {…Continue Reading}
OMTWI: Week One Projects
Week One projects will be open for voting today at One Month To Win It. We each used at least one graphic from The Graphics Fairy. I am so excited to see what everyone created! Please take a minute to go and vote!
I’ve been busily working on my projects for week one and week two of One Month To Win It. No, I’m not that conceited to think that I’m going to make it past the first week; it’s just that the second week’s project is due the same day results are posted from the Graphics Fairy {…Continue Reading}
Top 10 of 2011
2011 was my first full year of blogging. I think I’ve learned a lot and made some wonderful bloggy friends over the course of a year. In 2011 I participated in my first blog competition – Project Toddler Runway, my first giveway series – Spring Fling hosted by April at Wildflowers and Whimsy, and the {…Continue Reading}
I Pinned It! 12.30.11
It’s time for the second installment of I Pinned It! I haven’t heard much from all you lovely readers out there if you like it or not… but I like it, so I’m going to keep going! One of the things I’ve found that helps me pin things is adding the Pin It button to {…Continue Reading}
Lose the Baby Weight with Slim-Fast!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Slim-Fast for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. If you’ve been following along, you know I’ve recently had my second daughter. With pregnancy comes weight gain, and I never lost all the baby weight from my first daughter. I’ve lost weight on my own {…Continue Reading}
A Simple Apron
One of the Christmas presents I made for Arden was a simple apron to wear when she helps me in the kitchen, or when she gets creative in her play kitchen. I used more of my deep discount IKEA fabric (are you getting tired of seeing projects made out of this yet?), and made orange {…Continue Reading}
Instagram @jennuinedesign