
I Pinned It! 3.16.12

** If you pin any images from this post, please click back to the source so it links properly to the originator **Let me know if you’d like an invitation to Pinterest – just leave a message on this post.  What have you been pinning?  Here’s what I’ve found pin-worthy in the last week: Perry’s Plate {…Continue Reading}

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I Pinned It! 3.9.12

** If you pin any images from this post, please click back to the source so it links properly to the originator ** This is later than I typically post this – I’ve been sewing myself silly on custom nautical flag banner orders!  Let me know if you’d like an invitation to Pinterest – just leave {…Continue Reading}

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A PINK Party

Arden’s PINK Party to celebrate her third birthday was really fun, if a bit stressful for us – it’s a lot more difficult preparing for a party when you’ve got an infant to take care of.  Hadley took a pretty decent nap, but I still ended up rocking her with my foot in her car {…Continue Reading}

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Arden you are now self-proclaimed to be “the biggest girl ever seen!” at the ripe old age of three.  You have the longest and thickest eyelashes I have ever witnessed.  And when you flash those steely blue eyes at me, it makes my heart melt. Add to that a beautiful great big smile and the {…Continue Reading}

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Hadley Marie – Five Months

Time marches relentessley on, and Hadley is now five months old!  I liked this photo of her because she sort of looks like she’s posing. I love the little kissy lips!  I think she’s working on a tooth or something because she’s started making this face a lot. Hadley’s still a super easy baby!  I {…Continue Reading}

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