
I Pinned It! 4.20.12

** Don’t forget to play nice and click back to the source before pinning any images from this post. ** luvinthemommyhood I try not to feature too many projects from “the big girls”, but this Sweetheart Dress from Shannon at luvinthemommyhood is just too sweet to miss!  L-O-V-E the heart cutout on the back!  Backless on a little {…Continue Reading}

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I Pinned It! 4.13.12

**** As alway, please click to the source before pinning any images from this post.****  I’ve made sure the link is to the source post. If you need an invitation to Pinterest, leave a comment with a means of contacting you and I’ll invite you to the party in a jiffy! Brown Paper Packages I’m a {…Continue Reading}

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Hadley Marie – 6 Months

Hadley is still growing like a weed – she had her 6-month well check yesterday and she is 19 lbs. 4 oz. and 28″ long, which puts her above the 97th percentile for height and in the 95-97th band for weight.  So this means that at six months she’s wearing nine month clothing, and there’s not a {…Continue Reading}

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Site by Spunmonkey