
Party Prep: Party Dress

Can I just tell you how pleased I am that I got this dress finished in time for Hadley’s first birthday party?  Normally, the fabrics would have just sat in the bag until it was too late to possibly finish, or I would try to sew late into the night with a resulting hopeless mess.  {…Continue Reading}

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Party Prep: Invitations

I’m ba-ack!  Sorry, I’ve just been busy with the usual: banner orders and taking care of two cuties, plus it’s been super busy at work (I do have a day job – at least part of the time!) with reporting/forecasting, I had to do an inventory count near Chicago, and then we just wrapped up quarterly product cost {…Continue Reading}

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Potholder Production

Arden has gained full proficiency on lacing cards, so I thought it was time to introduce her to a new challenge: potholders!  I posted a little glimpse in my OMG Skillet Apple Pie post, saying:  “We have a family tradition of making potholders – I used to make them and my Mom made them and {…Continue Reading}

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Hadley Marie: 10 Months

Well, Hadley is ten months old (or… nearly 11 months – at least I’m consistently late!).  Capturing her picture on the quilt was literally an aerobic activity this month – every time I got her on it and picked up the camera, she’d roll over and crawl off.  Then I’d have to put the camera down so I {…Continue Reading}

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