
Changing Times

Has anyone noticed I’ve been a bit MIA lately? I have a good reason for it, I promise! Yup, we’ve listed our house for sale so I’ve literally been spending every. spare. moment. (and some un-spare moments as well) organizing, decluttering, painting, touching up, staging, un-stinking etc.   My wonderful cutting table?  That’s stored up {…Continue Reading}

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kids camp

Kids Summer Craft Camp With Michael Miller Fabrics :: Camper Cowl

You guys!  YOU GUYS!! I am beyond excited about today’s post!  The lovely folks at Michael Miller Fabrics (yes, THAT Michael Miller Fabrics) invited me to be a guest “counselor” for their new Kids Summer Craft Camp. The Michael Miller Fabrics blog is called Making it Fun and the Kids Summer Craft Camp is a {…Continue Reading}

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The UptownDowntown Dress Title

Uptown/Downtown in my Town

I’m back!  And I sewed something besides version after version of the LOL Swing Top!  Terri from the brand spankin’ new label Terri Lin Collections and Sew Straight and Gather invited me to participate in her release tour of the Uptown/Downtown Dress – who could say no to such a sweet little dress? Sized for {…Continue Reading}

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Site by Spunmonkey