Moto Jacket Giveaway Collage

Moto Jacket Pattern Tour and Giveaway

It’s almost time for the Moto Jacket pattern tour!  I am really excited to see all the different versions our participants have in store.  We have a great variety of “tourists” – some were pattern testers and others are bloggers I invited.  The tour will run from August 17 to the 21st, with four different versions {…Continue Reading}

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A Rainbow for Katy

Today is a special day in the sewing blog community – Katy Dill of No Big Dill is celebrating her birthday today!  Katy’s love of rainbows is common knowledge, and she takes every opportunity to “rainbowtize” everyday objects from books to planters to snacks. To celebrate and honor Katy, a bunch of bloggers are sharing {…Continue Reading}

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