Trail Tote Lunchbag 2

Trail Tote Lunchbag

I do on occasion sew something that isn’t a. one of my patterns, b. for one of my girls, or c. crazy comfy Hudson Pants for me (post coming soon on those).  Dave turned the big four-oh in July and I promised to make him a bag to carry his lunch to work, and the {…Continue Reading}

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Handcrafted 2 Satya 2

Satya Variations in Handcrafted 2 for Quilt Market

My first foray into the world of sewing samples for Quilt Market was with Handcrafted by Alison Glass for Andover Fabrics.  I made one of the first versions of what would eventually become my Verona Dress pattern.  So I was very pleased when I was invited to make something with Handcrafted 2. I took the opportunity {…Continue Reading}

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First Day of school outtake

First Day of School 2015

It’s here!  The much-anticipated FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!  We joined in with pretty much every family everywhere to make our attempt at Pinterest-worthy first day photos.  And the result?  Some close to that bar and others just a little silly: Hadley is always hamming it up, so I just told them to get their sillies {…Continue Reading}

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Satya Bubble Romper AJL 4

Satya Romper Pattern Release!

Well, actually I released the Satya Romper on Thursday, but we were still in the midst of the Moto Jacket pattern tour and I didn’t want to dampen the excitement. Here’s the pattern cover, with another adorable watercolor from Candace of Dandyroo Designs.  Each new girl is always my favorite and she captures the details {…Continue Reading}

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