Strong is the New Skinny

Strong is the New Skinny

Becca of Free Notion has put together a series to bring focus to strength as a goal vs. watching the numbers on a scale.  I had great intentions of putting together a handmade running outfit, but with the kitchen renovation we are in the midst of, my sewing time has been nearly nonexistent. I began {…Continue Reading}

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Cocoon Dresses Title

Cocoon Dresses

Lately I’ve been feeling like everything I do is fruitless.  All the mundane daily tasks like cleaning and laundry are undone even more quickly when in the midst of a renovation.  Our kitchen is beginning to return to functionality, but there still seems to be unending dust and materials stored around, making everything feel dirty {…Continue Reading}

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Pre-Black Friday Sale

Pre-Black Friday Sale!

Shop early and save more!  In addition to a Black Friday sale that will extend through Cyber Monday I’m having an even BIGGER Pre-Black Friday sale! I want to see your smiling face in my pattern support Facebook group, so the discount code is only available to members in Jennuine Design Facebook Group.  Trust me, it’s {…Continue Reading}

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Jasper Dress 3

Wear to Where :: Coffee Shop

Coffee is good.  Getting together with friends to drink coffee is better.  Since moving to New Jersey, the latter has become more elusive, since I’m still making local friends.  Enter the Wear to Where series hosted by Katy of Wild and Wanderful and Angelica of Gardening in High Heels, and I had the perfect opportunity to {…Continue Reading}

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