We live in Michigan and our labs have very tight coats. Laser especially is a weenie about being cold. He does this funny little speed-walk to try to get home faster whenever it’s below 35 degrees. Sophie, being the scrappy rescue dog she is manages better, but I thought it was time she got a {…Continue Reading}
Free Mantel Decor
I was loving the use of shutters on mantels I saw here and somewhere else and was plotting a trip to my local ReStore when my gaze fell apon the detritus of our fencing/tree removal/garage reconstruction projects in the back yard and eyed up the old wooden fence gate. Aha! It’s about the right size (check), weathered {…Continue Reading}
I knew it was going to be close, but I really thought I might just be able to eek out the hat I’m making (for me!) out of the same wool cashmere blend I used to make the upside-down daisy hat for Arden. No such luck. Right when I was about to begin the decrease, I’m {…Continue Reading}
What I’ve Been Up To…
I’ve been making progress on a couple of fronts, but nothing to show here for it. I got the ReStore chairs sanded, primed, and painted. I made new seats because the old ones were splitting and padded and covered them. This is where I got before Thanksgiving dinner, so at least we had chairs to {…Continue Reading}
A Jennuine Life Has Moved to Blogger!
If you’re reading this, then you’ve found me at my new site on Blogger. Thanks for visiting! I’ve imported all my content and comments from the site at http://www.ajennuinelife.wordpress.com/. The main reason I moved was to allow folks to follow using Google Friend Connect, which is not supported on WordPress.com sites. Won’t you follow me? Thanks! {…Continue Reading}
Christmas Card Garland
I think this is one of those projects that I liked better in theory than I am in practice. It’s just not getting the wow factor I was looking for – I think it needs more dimension, or some jute or ribbon to give it more texture. Anyways, here’s what I did: I Mod Podge’d {…Continue Reading}
Thanksgiving Prep Day
The best laid plans must at times be put aside, and then somehow, everything works out anyways! Arden was sent home yesterday from daycare, vomiting with a stomach virus that had been going around. She threw up every hour or so until 10:30 at night, and then slept relatively peacefully. I had high hopes that {…Continue Reading}
Shanty2Chic Silhouette Giveway!
I sooooo want to win one of these Silhouette machines. I love Shanty2Chic and she’s giving away a Silhouette!
The Idea Room Silhouette Giveway!
The Idea Room is giving away a Silhouette! I really want one of these – go enter for yourself! http://www.theidearoom.net/2010/11/giveaway.html
Infarrantly Creative Silhouette Giveway!
Here’s another great Silhouette giveway by Infarrantly Creative. I’m entering as many ways as I can – cross your fingers for me!
Instagram @jennuinedesign