Today’s A Bowl Full of Lemons’ organization challenge was to organize our Tupperware cabinet. Not to brag or anything, but my plasticware cabinet is quite well organized. This is the only kitchen cabinet that is not babyproofed since there’s nothing dangerous in there. Arden gets into it once in a while and drags stuff about, {…Continue Reading}
Day #2 ~ Getting Organized Challenge
Today’s A Bowl Full of Lemons’ organization challenge was to clean up our computer desks (top only). Since our home computer resides on what is technically my husband Dave’s desk (I get a drawer), I’m going to take this opportunity to organize my sewing desk top – which badly needs it: I recently organized most {…Continue Reading}
Learning to Sew
I try very hard to let Arden explore within reason, saying “no” only if there’s a risk of injury or a mess that’s more than just inconvenient. This has led to some interesting “Mommy’s little helper” moments in baking, knitting, and sewing. If I’m working on a project while Arden’s around (which I try not to, {…Continue Reading}
New Year’s Resolution
Balance [bal–uhns] – verb: to bring to or hold in equilibrium; poise I’ve debated back and forth about making a resolution for the new year. It’s not that I don’t have any of the typical things worth resolving – like say, losing 25 pounds – it’s just that I feel like a simple statement doesn’t really cover what {…Continue Reading}
Day #1 ~ Getting Organized Challenge
I stumbled across A Bowl Full of Lemons’ 21-Day Getting Organized Challenge, and decided to join in! Lord knows I can always use a bit more organization around here with a toddler, two dogs, three cats, and a husband! For today’s challenge, we were to organize our junk drawer – I think she’s starting out {…Continue Reading}
Top 10 of 2010
2010 is coming to a close, and so it’s the perfect time to look back and reflect on what’s happened during the last trip around the sun. I have learned so much along the way – my photos even with a point and shoot have improved tremendously by soaking up all the great information and tricks being {…Continue Reading}
12 Days of Christmas Runner
Here’s a quickie table runner quilt I made for my Mom from the remnants of my 12 Days of Christmas tree skirt, plus a few more strips from the Moda jelly roll: Remember the tree skirt? After cutting my triangles, I was left with some pretty good-sized strips that I thought would be just right {…Continue Reading}
Meet Nina!
My husband is not one of those men who pays close attention to determines the exact right gift to surprise his lovely wife with for birthdays and Christmases. So he asks what I want, I tell him and he usually gets it and acts like it’s a big surprise. Not so bad when you ask {…Continue Reading}
12 Days of Christmas Tree Skirt
I had grand intentions of getting a nice new artificial tree this year, but I didn’t get myself into gear in time. So, I brought up the little pre-lit one my Mom had given us years ago, and set it on a little table that she had used as a little girl to keep it {…Continue Reading}
Project Toddler Runway – I made the Top 10!
Thanks for all your votes! I made the top ten of Shwin&Shwin’s Project Toddler Runway! I was notified with a lovely welcome letter from the Shwins. They will be posting introductions for all the top ten “designers” (not sure if I’m qualified for that title, but what they hey!) in the first part of January, and {…Continue Reading}
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