Beginning to lose steam. I’m committed to completing these organization challenges each day, but I also need to get some sewing done for Week 2 of Project Toddler Runway. And get to bed before midnight for once. So this will be short and sweet. Before. Already had some organizers, but they were crammed full of stuff {…Continue Reading}
Project Toddler Runway – Week One Results
Voting for the first week of Project Toddler Runway is closed, and… My yellow and gray dress project received the most votes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was so nervous all weekend – lurking on Shwin&Shwin’s blog practically nonstop! The challenge was “The Shirt Off Your Back”, or an upcycle challenge. I have a {…Continue Reading}
Day #7 – Getting Organized Challenge
For A Bowl Full of Lemons’ 21 Day Organization Challenge we’re on to the pantry. Pantry? What pantry? I unfortunately don’t have one in my house. Our overflow food goes on wire shelving in the basement. That is, until today! We have this odd little cupboard in the corner of our dining room, hidden behind the {…Continue Reading}
Scarflette… Knit for Me!
Remember my scarflette project that Arden pulled the needles from and unraveled a bit? Well, I was able to recover it and finally – finish it! I’m really liking it, and it matches the hat I made… for me! Here’s how: On straight or double pointed needles sized for yarn being used, cast on 32 {…Continue Reading}
Day #6 – Getting Organized Challenge
Another installment of A Bowl Full of Lemons’ 21 Day Organization Challenge. Today we tackle our dresser drawers. This location is a bit unusual in my case. I get the use of the bottom two drawers of the bureau and a tv armoire that we converted into a clothes armoir. Any long hanging stuff I have {…Continue Reading}
Project Toddler Runway – Week One Projects
Week One projects are up over at Shwin & Shwin – go check out all the amazing designs and vote for your favorite! Voting is open through Sunday. It’s so exciting to finally see what everyone has created! I’m planning on posting a tutorial for part of my design regardless of the results, so stay {…Continue Reading}
Project Toddler Runway: Get to know the top 10
Take a minute and head over to Shwin & Shwin’s introduction to all the fabulous contestants in Project Toddler Runway at Get to know the top 10. I’m so excited to see what everyone has created. Sadly, one of the top 10 is too ill to complete a challenge and has to drop out. Best {…Continue Reading}
Day #5 – Getting Organized Challenge
Day 5 of A Bowl Full of Lemons’ 21 Day Organization Challenge is under the kitchen sink. This will be a pretty quick one – not a whole lot happening under here except everything’s all in a jumble. I pared down my collection of bubble envelopes and paper bags. My Mom has a great “rule {…Continue Reading}
Bay City Antiques Center
I have what I think will be an amazing project with a tutorial in the works. For a key part of the project, I have an antique item in mind, so I went to what I think is one of the best antique centers around – the Bay City Antiques Center. It just happens to be about {…Continue Reading}
Day #4 – Getting Organized Challenge
Today’s A Bowl Full of Lemons’ 21 Day Organization Challenge was to tackle our linen closets. Our house was built in 1918, so we do have some of the cute little built-ins common to the era – one of which is our linen closet. It has a cupboard with two shelves and three drawers below. {…Continue Reading}
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