Archive | Toddler


1st Nursery

Arden’s pillowcase was dirty, so I went to the linen closet to grab another and spotted one of the cases my Grannie had embroidered.  I thought this pink one would be perfect on her bed and it was!  Charlie the tiny Teddy bear agrees! Does anybody actually hand embroider borders on pillowcases anymore?  I think {…Continue Reading}

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Learning to Sew

I try very hard to let Arden explore within reason, saying “no” only if there’s a risk of injury or a mess that’s more than just inconvenient.  This has led to some interesting “Mommy’s little helper” moments in baking, knitting, and sewing. If I’m working on a project while Arden’s around (which I try not to, {…Continue Reading}

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Arden thoroughly enjoyed her first foray into the world of trick-or-treating.  Aside from a mini-meltdown while donning her costume, she got right into the groove of things.  We only went to a couple of neighbors and nearby friends houses, but she quickly figured out how to hold out her little pumpkin bag and then check {…Continue Reading}

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I got a lucky shot of Arden sitting on the steps to our side door.  Nothing fancy, I was trying to get some cute pictures of her playing in the leaves and she wandered off – silly model leaving the photo shoot!

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