Archive | Sewing


Nursery Prep: Crib Skirt

Another item checked off my list for nursery prep – I finished up the crib skirt today.  I cut a piece of muslin the inside dimensions of my crib, adding 1″ for seam allowances.  This measurement was 27 x 51.  Then I cut 13 1/2″ strips of the skirt material and finished the bottom and sides {…Continue Reading}

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1st Nursery

Arden’s pillowcase was dirty, so I went to the linen closet to grab another and spotted one of the cases my Grannie had embroidered.  I thought this pink one would be perfect on her bed and it was!  Charlie the tiny Teddy bear agrees! Does anybody actually hand embroider borders on pillowcases anymore?  I think {…Continue Reading}

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Summer Life

Sorry it’s been two weeks since my last post!  Crazy heat, third trimester fatigue, and summer life have just caught up with us around here.  I’ve been making decent progress on prepping the nursery, so there will be some posts coming up about that.  I haven’t been completely unproductive.  I made this fish pillow for {…Continue Reading}

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Happy Jenn Day!

Today is my birthday – my daughter says “Happy Arden Day” instead of Happy Birthday, so I’m stealing it and calling it Happy Jenn Day to me!  I’m 37 today, and I’ve decided that I don’t care if that number is larger than 29.  I’d rather hope people think I look young for my age {…Continue Reading}

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