Archive | Sewing

Awning Curtain 1

PVC Playhouse & Sunshade: Mitered Bindings, Curtains, and Awnings

So if you’ve been following along, you’ve got your PVC frame constructed and made the main fabric cuts for the tent.  Now we’re going to start the fun parts – making the windows with mitered “window frames”, ruffled curtains, and awnings! Making the mitered bindings for the windows sound intimidating, but it’s really easy: Decide {…Continue Reading}

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Create Memories With Kids: PVC Playhouse & Sunshade

Today I’m participating in The Girl Creative for Diana’s Create Memories with Kids series with my PVC Playhouse & Sunshade. This was an ambitious creation, so I’m going to be sharing a series of posts over the next few weeks with dimensions for the whole project, the construction of the frame, the different features of the {…Continue Reading}

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