Archive | Sewing

Bohemian Babydoll 7

Bohemian Babydoll

I am so excited to show you the Bohemian Babydoll dress I made for Arden!  I’m sure you’re all familiar with Heidi from Elegance & Elephants (* affilate link) from Bubble Pocket Shorts, Ruffle Top, or Fedora Hat fame, to name just a few of her stellar patterns!   Arden is super excited about it as well, {…Continue Reading}

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Sewing Studio Tour

I am so thankful to Christina from 2 Little Hooligans for giving me the perfect kick in the pants to clean up and organize my space and take you on a little sewing studio tour!   My “studio” is our dining room, which is smack dab in the center of our house.  Our home was {…Continue Reading}

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Matinee Dress and Peplum Top Watercolor

Matinée Pattern Release Tester Tour :: Day 5

It’s the last day of the testers’ pattern tour for the Matinée, and I’m really going to miss getting to see everyone’s amazing work each day!  Haven’t they all been spectacular? Today we have a special treat for you – “we” being one of my fab-o testers Shelly, who has a stellar fabric store on Etsy. {…Continue Reading}

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Matinee Dress and Peplum Top Watercolor

Matinée Pattern Release Tester Tour :: Day 3

It’s Day 3 of the testers’ pattern tour for the Matinée release.  Today I’d like to take the opportunity to share how this design evolved. The first time you would have seen the Matinée Dress was when I was competing in Sew-Vivor on Family Ever After.  The challenge was simply “Emerald”, which left the door wide open {…Continue Reading}

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Matinee Dress and Peplum Top Watercolor

Matinée Pattern Release Tester Tour :: Day 2

It’s Day 2 of the tester’s pattern tour for the release of the Matinée pattern.  Before I share my tester’s lovely versions, I wanted to talk to you about the features of the pattern itself: Beginning with the pattern title page with these fabulously adorable watercolors I commissioned from Dandyroo Designs on Etsy.  Candace took {…Continue Reading}

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