Archive | Life


Hadley Marie: 21 Months

Hadley at 21 months is a study in contrasts: She has mostly two speeds: full-tilt and crash.  She is a dynamo of activity and full of vim and vigor.  What exactly does vim mean?  Wait, just checked and it means enthusiasm…  That is, until you think she’s in for the long haul and then check {…Continue Reading}

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Leaving the Nest

If you follow me on Instagram (I’m @jennuinelife), you’ve seen the unfolding events of the bluejays which have nested under the metal awning of our side door.  Since the nest is over my head, I’d snap a picture every few days or so with my cell phone to see if there were any eggs, and on {…Continue Reading}

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Hadley Marie: 18 Months

Our big little girl Hadley Marie is 18 months old.  She is 34 1/4″ tall and 29.7 pounds which puts her right at the bleeding edge of the charts for each.  She’s a big girl, but she’s proportional. Every so often we capture the illusion that they’re not always picking and poking (and pulling hair {…Continue Reading}

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Dancing Dollies

Arden’s started taking dance classes last year, and her second recital is rapidly approaching.   Her class is doing a routine to a song about dolls and teaching the dolls to dance. So guess who volunteered herself to make 15 dollies so she and her classmates could have custom dolls with hair and eye color {…Continue Reading}

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I have about three projects for Arden’s rainbow birthday party that I was planning to post about.  I have the projects completed (or mostly so), but we’ve been hit by a little bug around here and I just don’t have the energy for photo editing and post-writing. Poor Hadley had diarrhea over the weekend so {…Continue Reading}

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