Archive | Jennuine Design

Pre-Black Friday Sale

Pre-Black Friday Sale!

Shop early and save more!  In addition to a Black Friday sale that will extend through Cyber Monday I’m having an even BIGGER Pre-Black Friday sale! I want to see your smiling face in my pattern support Facebook group, so the discount code is only available to members in Jennuine Design Facebook Group.  Trust me, it’s {…Continue Reading}

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Handcrafted 2 Satya 2

Satya Variations in Handcrafted 2 for Quilt Market

My first foray into the world of sewing samples for Quilt Market was with Handcrafted by Alison Glass for Andover Fabrics.  I made one of the first versions of what would eventually become my Verona Dress pattern.  So I was very pleased when I was invited to make something with Handcrafted 2. I took the opportunity {…Continue Reading}

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Satya Bubble Romper AJL 4

Satya Romper Pattern Release!

Well, actually I released the Satya Romper on Thursday, but we were still in the midst of the Moto Jacket pattern tour and I didn’t want to dampen the excitement. Here’s the pattern cover, with another adorable watercolor from Candace of Dandyroo Designs.  Each new girl is always my favorite and she captures the details {…Continue Reading}

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