Here’s a peek at a future project – four dining chairs I found at the ReStore. Arden has a thing for chairs, so she joined the photo shoot: We have Dave’s Great-grandparents’ table and chairs from their Oregon homestead that are just for show. We rarely sit on them, and hold our breath when we {…Continue Reading}
Archive | House

Halloween Mantle
Decorating our mantle is a little difficult, since it usually ends up being a catch-all for everything we don’t want dogs, cats, or toddler getting into. But with all the inspiring mantles I’ve been seeing, I thought I could give it a try. The vase on the left was a wedding present and is filled {…Continue Reading}

My Craft “Room”
Lately I’ve seen several tours of craft rooms, and I have to admit just a teensy bit of jealousy. But that being said, I’m pretty pleased to finally have a spot that is just mine to do whatever crafting or sewing I want. Previously, I would haul out my Mom’s circa 1960 New Home sewing {…Continue Reading}

DIY Play Refrigerator
I am super-geeked about this project. Arden loves it already, and I am pretty darn pleased with myself for making it for her! Super-hubby Dave has been busy with major outdoor projects for several recent weekends (fence installation, garage demolition), so I decided that Labor day weekend would be my DIY weekend. I was inspired {…Continue Reading}

Arden’s Nursery Peg Rail
One of the main features of Arden’s nursery is a peg rail going around the room. The idea was a bit of a collaboration between my mother and myself. I knew I wanted some kind of a detail going around the room, but I didn’t like the idea of a chair rail.  Mom suggested using knobs, {…Continue Reading}

Garage demolition
It’s funny how big projects seem to stretch out forever, and then all of a sudden, things come together seemingly overnight. We’ve been working on a garage reconstruction project for about a year. We started by asking my brother to draw up some plans for us.  We wanted to mirror the roofline of our house to {…Continue Reading}
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