Archive | Holidays


Happy Father’s Day

This year for Father’s Day we celebrated Daddy for the whole day.  I don’t remember where I saw the idea about a gift every hour, but that’s what I went with.  Here was the schedule for today: 7:00 AM  Starbuck’s in a customized mug8:00 AM  A relaxing bath with Man Soap 9:00  AM Hand and footprint {…Continue Reading}

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Getting Ready for Easter

Yesterday we had a pretty activity-filled day.  In the morning, Arden and I went to Target to get all of our Easter supplies. Then after nap, we “Egged” two of our neighbors!  This is a fun idea similar to Boo’ing where you hide treat-filled eggs around their yard and then leave an egg carton with {…Continue Reading}

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Meet Nina!

My husband is not one of those men who pays close attention to determines the exact right gift to surprise his lovely wife with for birthdays and Christmases.  So he asks what I want, I tell him and he usually gets it and acts like it’s a big surprise.  Not so bad when you ask {…Continue Reading}

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