Archive | Arden

If you’ve noticed that I haven’t been posting much for the last little bit (it’s okay if you didn’t miss me – really!), we took a long weekend trip to Chicago. We take the train which makes it a lot easier on Arden since she can move around a bit more and take potty breaks. {…Continue Reading}

A Little of This and That
I don’t have any fun projects completed to post, so I’ll just do a quick wrap up of what’s been going on. We broke ground – literally – on our garage reconstruction. On Thursday, they took out the old slab, dug for the footings, and put in the foundation walls. We’re using a treated lumber {…Continue Reading}

Stay-put Toddler Bedding
Arden’s not an exceptionally squirmy sleeper, but she does move around enough to get uncovered and often wakes up cold. We use sleep sacks – Aden + Anais have nice muslin ones that work great, especially in the summer when you just need a little something – but there are never arms on sleepsacks. So, I thought {…Continue Reading}

Chef Arden
I finished Arden’s Halloween costume! This was so much fun to do. I also got to try out the embroidery features on my new machine by adding “Chef Arden” to the hat band. I’m so happy with the embroidery and other features on my Janome Memory Craft 9700 that I’ve decided to name it. She will {…Continue Reading}

Fall Photo Practice
We had a beautiful fall day in Michigan, so I decided to play around with my point & shoot camera and my favorite model. Some models are notorious for being difficult to work with, and mine is no exception: We started out slow, with some blank stares Then we progressed to a series of shots {…Continue Reading}

Chef Costume Progress
I made more progress on Arden’s chef costume. I finished up the pants and the hat and of course had to try them on Arden. I know most kids don’t like to wear hats and tear them off at every opportunity. Not Arden. She’s always liked to wear hats which is great since I like to {…Continue Reading}

Kid’s Clothes Week Challenge Day #7
This still took longer than 90 minutes the second time around, but it definitely went together a whole lot faster without having to run to the computer in our office before every step. Nevertheless, this met the hour-a-day challenge for days six and seven.  This was made using a clearance rack Old Navy shirt of {…Continue Reading}
Toddler Open Gym Gymnastics
The local gymnastics center has monthly open gym for toddlers over 18 months. The first one coincided with my Friday off (I currently work an Alternating-Fridays-Off, or AFO, schedule), so we packed up and headed to Freeland! Arden had a blast! She especially liked the bouncy floor where they do floor routines, hanging from the bars, the {…Continue Reading}

Kid’s Clothes Week Challenge Day #5
Following the tutorial for The 90 Minute Shirt on MADE, this meets my hour-a-day requirement for the Kid’s Clothes Week Challenge for days four and five. I know it’s called The 90 Minute Shirt, but it took me a bit longer than that, and I had to make up my pattern following the instructions here, {…Continue Reading}
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