Author Archive | Jennifer

Awning Curtain 1

PVC Playhouse & Sunshade: Mitered Bindings, Curtains, and Awnings

So if you’ve been following along, you’ve got your PVC frame constructed and made the main fabric cuts for the tent.  Now we’re going to start the fun parts – making the windows with mitered “window frames”, ruffled curtains, and awnings! Making the mitered bindings for the windows sound intimidating, but it’s really easy: Decide {…Continue Reading}

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Arden, Hadley, and I were able to enjoy a really cool and unusual experience last month.  My hometown has an active arts community and each year hosts an arts festival.  One of the events was Tangle, put on by Polyglot Theatre.  Polyglot is an Australian touring troupe and has other interactive programs.  I love their motto {…Continue Reading}

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