If you’ve been checking in, you’ve noticed a distinct lack of sewing activity ’round here. Part of a post-project-toddler-runway-and-I’m-pregnant-and-exhausted funk! For the past several days (okay, weeks), I’ve been telling myself that it doesn’t have to be a dress that I pattern myself and photograph along the way in order to post a tutorial. Just. Sew. Something. Tonight I finally did just that.
Actually, all I really did was sew on my Jennuine Design label and attach the snaps because the bibs have been sewed for an embarrasingly long time, but hey – we’ll take progress in whatever small steps that might be! These bibs are going to be one of the first listings in my Etsy shop – http://www.jennuinedesign.etsy.com/ and were a special request from a sorority sister, so they’ll be called Finn bibs. She wanted cute drool bibs in nice colors for her little boy that weren’t covered in funny sayings or characters. They’re backed with a nice absorbant cotton terry cloth – very nice against the skin!
Maybe tomorrow I can fix the ripped seam in the back of one of my maternity pants’ belly band! I’ll try not to go too crazy, I promise!
I also just had to share this photo:
Cuz’ a girls’ gotta accessorize – even on her froggy potty! Arden insisted on putting her boots back on after we took her pants and gDiaper off and then patiently waited for me to get the camera while I was laughing at with her!
I may be picking one of these bibs up. I absolutely love the colors.
Cool design. Nice work.