Sew-viving and Covertly Packaging

I’m still here, and I’m pretty busy to boot!  On top of Sew-vivor sewing, I’m also working on Covert Robin and Package Pal goodies (and a top secret project)!  So lots of action, but nothing I can share with you just yet.  My first challenge for Sew-vivor is complete and photographed, so I’m all set for Wednesday.  Then the pacing and poll stalking begins!
We got a fairly substantial March snow – that’s Michigan for you!  But, it gave Arden the opportunity to try out a birthday present she had received; a snow paint set.
Hadley watched longingly from the window.
And check out my little embroidery student!  She did this 90% on her own – I only started and wove ends in, and infinitely re-threaded her needle for her.


One Response to Sew-viving and Covertly Packaging

  1. Mae March 18, 2013 at 1:27 PM #

    Oh fun, the snow paint set looks to be fun. &what fun that your daughter is sewing too! Sometimes lily will pick up her embroidery and ask me to do it (we also re-thread about a million times). How do we find all this patience?

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