Even with fewer projects linked up (post 4th aftermath?) there was certainly no shortage of awesome projects from which to choose for features! Please grab a button below if you were featured:
Madalyn at Home Hearted shares how to make your own baby wipes. I really need to do this at the rate we go through wipes; I use them for hineys as well as meal time cleanup!
The Orchard Girls did it again with their Top 6 Blogger Tutorials. I’ve implemented two of these already – did you notice the hover Pin It butons? So easy. I’m waiting a bit to start using the other, but it’s pretty cool!

Another tech-ish tip is from Julia at It’s Always Ruetten with a nice how-to design your own invitations using PicMonkey

Toni at Sugar Tart Crafts shows us a great refashion transforming an adult t-shirt to a toddler dress.

Jenna from Rain on a Tin Roof is at it again (does she sleep?) with these awesome “When Ralph Met Kate” barstools she DIY’ed using some plain Jane barstools and her ingenuity.

Trina from Will Cook for Shoes shares a nice recipe for make your own doggie treats. Dave is pretty liberal with the treats, so I should definitely try this.

Katie from The Crafty Blog Stalker gives us a clear tutorial for how to wire wrap a head pin to make your own jewelry.
What have you been up to this week? If it’s thrifty and you made it nifty, then bring it over on Thursday! (Can I get any cheesier?)
Jenn! Thank you so much for featuring my PicMonkey Invitation Tutorial! I appreciate the tip you left on my blog about copying each image to ensure the colors are the same. Thank you again!
Jenn, thank you so much for featuring our tutorials. 🙂 I’m glad you were able to use some of them. Can’t wait to see what one you use next!
Thanks so much for sharing my t-shirt dress Jenn! I’ve been trying to do a refashion for weeks now so I would finally have something to like up!