It’s that time again! Thrifty to Nifty Thursdays at A Jennuine Life is open for business!

I’ve been too busy with a big secret to do much else (well, except working on dancing dollies in every spare moment!)
Since I failed to transform anything spectacularly this week, I can’t wait to see what you’ve made!
Are you taking thrift store finds or items you’ve had laying about the house and remaking them into something.. more? Bring on your curbside finds, organizational tools, heck even if you scrubbed up or painted something stained or ugly and made it all pretty and new again. Whatever it is, link it up and share!
- Link up a recent thrifty to nifty project – be sure to link to the specific post, not your main page.
- Don’t link a project you’ve shared here previously – I will delete it and that makes me feel bad.
Visit a couple of other links and leave a nice comment – we all love thoughtful comments!
Please link back – buttons are in my buttons page or a text link is fine.
Follow A Jennuine Life – then you’ll be sure to see if you’ve been featured!
Thanks for the party, Jenn! Happy Thursday! 🙂
Brooke – DesignedByBH
Thanks for the party! Hope your week has been great!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
Thanks for hosting!! Have a great rest of the week!!
Thanks for hosting, Jenn!!
Thank you for hosting – see you again next week!
Fluster Buster
Thanks so much for the party!
Have you joined Lets Get Social Sunday this morning??? If not, lotsa new friends and followers are waiting on you. See Ya There!
@ My Turn for us