So, if you’ve read any of my posts lately, you know I’ve got a new cutie in my life. I thought I’d give you a little glimpse into what my world looks like on a daily basis right now…
I spend 80% of my time on the living room sofa. It’s littered with the paraphanalia of a nursing mother plus a couple of odds and ends. On my right is a beautiful patchwork pillow my aunt hand quilted and on it are my nursing pads (which should be in my bra so I can slather myself with lanolin as Hadley is trying valiantly to inhale me nipple first!), my baby logbook – I love these little Moleskine notepads for this – I have one filled up with notes about Arden when she was an infant as well. I’m also working on Arden’s sweater every chance I get, so there’s yarn and scissors over here right now as well.
The Boppy and a burp cloth are close at hand as well. We like to use the Boppy for holding as well, to give our arms a break.
On my left side is my in-progress sweater and the pattern book, TiVo controller, and my Blackberry. TiVo keeps me sane as there are always programs to watch in the middle of the night and I can just pause and watch the rest during the next feeding. I check my e-mail and sometimes read blogs on my reader using my phone. I currently have 417 unread blog entries in my Reader, but that’s down from over 900 after the first week home with Hadley and not reading anything. I love seeing all the creativity, but I have to admit to scanning through most of them very quickly at this point.
And of course, my trusty pump is right next to me in my nest as well. I’ve been trying to build a better relationship with my pump this time to make sure my supply gets stronger. I’ll pump if it’s been more than an hour or so since the last feeding, or if ChubbaChunk (another pet name for Hadley) falls asleep before draining both breasts.
She is beautiful!! I love seeing ‘your nest’ 😉 It reminds me of when my kids were little ones!!!
So precious! How is the breastfeeding going? I’m so nervous about breastfeeding (baby due in Jan). I usually only breastfeed for a few weeks and then give in to formula. It wears me out so much. How are you coping with little sleep and taking care of a toddler?
Breastfeeding is going really well – Hadley is a great nurser, except she falls asleep at night, so I usually have to pump the remainder and then try to feed her the bottle. It’s a lot easier to pry a bottle nipple into her mouth to get her interested than my nipple! My only problem right now is trying to boost my supply just the last little bit so I don’t have to use any formula – right now we’re supplementing between 4 and 8 oz. each day. As far as sleep goes, we’ve been incredibly lucky and Hadley usually sleeps solid from 10pm until 2:30am or so, and then until 6am when I would be getting her up for a feed before getting Arden ready anyways. Arden is also still in daycare three days a week to hold her spot, so I can get a nap if I really need one, but with 6 – 7 hours of sleep a night, I’m feeling pretty good! I breastfed Arden for 13 months, so I’m hoping Hadley will go at least that long.