Sorry I’ve been MIA around here. I’ve been busy entertaining my inlaws for the last week and a bit and dealing with erratic weather here in Michigan – 90’s for three days in a row followed by three days of barely 60. That’s Michigan weather for ya’! I mostly entertained Arden and prepared meals while they worked on a mile-long checklist of yard and house projects. Things are looking a lot spiffier around here.
I’ve also been:
Watching the bluejay nest go from eggs to outstretched beaks to fuzzy chicks to fledgelings. Today they all left the nest and I got to watch! It’s been a bit interesting as they were nesting underneath the awning of our side door – our main entry into the house. As the chicks got bigger and the mother and father bluejay spent more time away from the nest, it got a little bit hazardous to linger at the backdoor – one of the adults would dive bomb whoever they thought was infringing on their territory.
When they started leaving the nest today I thought I had scared one out of the nest out as I went through the door, so I was panicking and trying to think of something to scoop the chick up with to return it to the nest when I realized there was only one chick left in the nest. Then I got to watch as the fledgelings would fly several yards and then one by one the adult bluejay would shepherd them into a different nest in the blue spruce in our backyard. Looks like we’re going from being fearful of an attack when we go through the door to being scolded in our backyard when we play fetch with the dogs – or Laser, rather; Sophie doesn’t fetch for beans.
I’ve also been spending an inordinate amount of time pushing tiny person in the swing. “Up high!” is a constant refrain from her. She has to make sure to use both swings equally, so you have to remember that when you stop on one swing you’re really only halfway done.
Today I painted her toenails – she sits remarkably well for this process for a two-year-old. She helps me blow on them and would do so periodically for the rest of the day.
I just love how adult and yet childlike she seems with her hair in twisties and sunglasses on.
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