Arden helped me bake Daddy’s favorite cookies for Father’s Day – gingersnaps! We didn’t get to spend very much time together on Sunday since Dave was heading to the airport for a business trip, but we had breakfast at Tim Horton’s on the way and I think he got a couple of cookies. The rest are waiting for his return; luckily I don’t really like gingersnaps that much or they’d surely be fodder for the pregnant lady cravings!!
I’m loving my new camera – I’ve been experiementing and am determined to stay off of auto as much as possible. This was shot on the aperture priority setting at F4.5. I can really see the difference in the photos – there’s always one I really like in a setting, where before there might be one that turned out okay.
These were taken while we were on a playdate with one of her friends. It was a pretty overcast day, and I can’t remember what I had the camera set at, but I know my old point & shoot would not have done nearly this well.
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