Yeah – I wish that were me – I’m not that cute pregnant!
I thought I was past the first trimester exhaustion when I stopped needing to take a catnap in my office chair every day at work, and I actually managed to sew a few things (and sell one of them right away in my Etsy shop – yay me!).
So then comes my internal dialog beating myself up for plopping on the sofa every evening after my daughter Arden is asleep. I keep being really motivated earlier in the day, and then all I want to do is curl up under a blanket and zone out watching television until say, 9:30 or so and then I crash. My husband has taken to calling me inertia – how’s that for supportive?
So, maybe I’m not past the crazy-hormone fatigue just yet. Or maybe it’s that Arden has woken up crying nearly every hour for the last five days with fevers and pain from her molars and/or a sore throat. Either way, I’m still not quite myself and I’m sorry that you haven’t seen much from me except for the posts about all the fabulous Spring Fling giveways. At least that’s keeping some content on here.
But – I have been thinking up lots of fun projects so when I’m feeling a bit more energetic, (whenever that might be) I’ll have plenty to draw upon. I’ll definitely be working on my Every Occasion dress for Jennifer from My Mommy Can…, and already have all the fabric for it. It’s good to have external motivators when the internal ones are broken!
Anyone else get insanely tired during pregnancy? How’d you manage?

I get insanely tired and I don’t manage. I am sure when (and if) I get pregnant again my blog will shut down, projects will collect dust, and my kids will be neglected while momma sleeps on the couch, that is until the end of the second trimester, for me that is when I get all my energy and I tend to accomplish a lot during the last few weeks, usually frantically preparing for the new little baby. Best of luck! Let me know if you ever find a magic solution.
I slept a ton and my poor older son ended up watching a lot of television, which I am not exactly an advocate for. However, when one is prego and tired TV is okay.
I did! Just hang in there. My two older kids thought I lived on the couch!
I was incredibly tired. I took naps whenever I could and left tons of stuff undone.