We’re big proponents of the green movement ’round here – we compost our kitchen and yard waste, recycle everything we possibly can, and have made many energy efficient upgrades to our home to reduce our carbon footprint. These are everyday choices we’ve made to try to leave the earth a better place in our wake.
But one of the significant decisions we made with an environmental impact is our choice to use gDiapers.
As found under the gDiapers 101 section at
www.gdiapers.com – “50 million diapers get tossed each day and each one takes up to 500 years to biodegrade. Ick. Home compost, toss, or flush the biodegradable gRefill for the smallest footprint on earth. gDiapers break down in 50-150 days.”
We compost the pee diapers and they’re dirt before you know it. We can’t flush the poopy ones because our 90-year old home comes with the accompanying 90-year old plumbing. This falls under “non-standard” plumbing described on the website. But, we toss the poopies into the garbage and rest easy that they’re dirt in the landfill way quicker than plastic-filled disposables.
Plus, they’re cute! I never use the little diaper covers that come with dresses and skirts – instead I use a matching gPant (that’s what the outer part of the diaper is called). And not that I’m into low-slung pants, but I think it’s adorable when her jeans ride a little low and the top of the “g” sticks out. Clothing isn’t really made to accommodate the slightly large tush on a cloth or gDiaper’d hiney. Arden NEVER gets diaper rash unless she’s on antibiotics. gDiapers are breathable, so her butt stays dry and cool.
A big factor when we were making the decision to use gDiapers is that our daycare can use them. They treat the refill insert just like they do the disposable diapers used by the rest of the kids. If a liner or gPant gets soiled, they put it in a plastic baggie for me to deal with (we reuse the plastic baggies for doggie poop bags).
Are they more work than a disposable diaper? Yes, they are. I have to wash the gPant if it gets soiled. The liners (the part that snaps into the gPant and holds the refill) usually get poopy after a BM because the refill gets scrunched up a bit when she moves around. Do I think it’s worth it? Absolutely. One of the promotional lines gDiapers use is “how big will her footprint be?”, and I really want my answer to that question to be “as small as I can keep it!”
I have not been compensated in any way for this post. These are my opinions and my intention is to share a product that I love with you in the hopes that someone who didn’t know there were other options for diapering will consider a less impactful method.
I REALLY want to try them. I just feel like they might make potty training easier later on.
We love gDiapers too! But I use them with a prefold cloth insert instead of the flushable inserts.
They fit great and I was able to find a bunch of them at Target on clearance! SCORE!
saraya loves her gdiapers too!