Balance [bal–uhns] – verb: to bring to or hold in equilibrium; poise
I’ve debated back and forth about making a resolution for the new year. It’s not that I don’t have any of the typical things worth resolving – like say, losing 25 pounds – it’s just that I feel like a simple statement doesn’t really cover what I feel is lacking right now.
So, I’ve decided that instead of a quantative resolution, I resolve that in 2011 I will seek balance since that’s what’s missing. A little less of some things (food, television) and a bit more of others (sleep, exercise, planning, communication, creativity). Hopefully, if I can get things into better balance, the concrete stuff will follow along.
What are you resolving in 2011?
Balance is such a great resolution. SO few of us truly have balance. Best wishes for balance in the new year!