Today’s A Bowl Full of Lemons’ organization challenge was to organize our Tupperware cabinet. Not to brag or anything, but my plasticware cabinet is quite well organized. This is the only kitchen cabinet that is not babyproofed since there’s nothing dangerous in there. Arden gets into it once in a while and drags stuff about, so I have frequent enforced organization of this space.
Rather than patting myself on the back and skipping today’s challenge, my husband suggested I decided to tackle the cupboard above the microwave.
I hauled everything out, and –eeeewwww!! Apparently we didn’t clean up the sawdust very well from drilling through the cabinet to install the microwave. Plus other accumulated yuck that got wiped up. Rounded up a few bins and replaced everything. One thing that wastes a lot of space in this cabinet (but doesn’t show) is the power cord for the microwave. It curls up from the bottom right and then to an outlet approximately behind Uncle Ben there. Everything on top of that is all topsy-turvy. I used a couple of twist ties to corrall it a bit.
It actually worked out fairly well that the bin for the vinegars/sauces wasn’t very deep, cuz then the cord is behind it and everything back there is held in place. If we need anything from the rice/beans/lentils bin we can grab the whole thing without risking getting bonked on the head!
Nice job! Glad it all worked out. 🙂
Impressive Tupperware cabinet! And great job with the other cabinet (and your desk). I can’t keep up documenting the challenge, but I’ll still try to organize everyday.
love the idea of the bins for storing pantry items. i think i’m going to do that when i organize my cupboards. thanks for the inspiration